Sunday 14 March 2010

Our lessons on the 25th and 26th of January then consisted of compiling our essays together to come up with the key codes and conventions of the horror genre. We then produced a powerpoint which we presented, showing our understanding of the key conventions of the horror genre eg. lighting, mise en scene, stock characters etc.
Examples of some slides from our presentation seen below.

Monday 25 January 2010

On the 14th of January:
We began our AS media studies coursework. For the work we had to get into groups of no more than four to create an opening to a film of any genre that lasted no longer than 2 minutes.
The Group; Amy Link, Laura Devine, Josh Brazier. Our group decided to develop the opening of a film based on the horror genre.
To begin with, me and the group mindmapped codes and conventions of horror films and discussed questions to put on our audience questionnaire.
We then drafted the questionnaire.

On the 15th of January:
Mr Cramb checked our questionnaire and advised us to add a few more questions so that we could collect a wider variety of results. He also advised us to use closed questions as this would make is easier for us to collect information and put it into graphs.
We then printed 50 questionnaires and distributed them.

21st January:
As a group we used information from the questionnaires and tallyed up the results into graphs. We then created a powerpoint to show our findings.

Thursday 14 January 2010


Thank you for inviting me. Welcome to blogging and your foundation portfolio. Make sure you maintain your blog a couple of times a week as this should be a reflective working document.